When I started this Blog/Vlog I wanted to document what it is like to live between the US and Jamaica and to also travel the world while working.
My goal in creating this Blog/Vlog was to be able to share my experience of re-establishing my life in Jamaica as an adult and what all that entails. I also wanted to document what it is like to be a digital nomad… You know traveling with multiple laptops… lmbo.. at least for me that is one of my biggest struggles. It makes for a heavier carry on.
To be honest I really didn’t plan on this coming together this soon. I initial planned on my move back to Jamaica being sometime in 2025. But what do you know… 2021 decided it was going to be the year. So I went with it. With my new role being 100% remote, it allowed me the freedom of working from anywhere as long as I had internet.
So how did I get back to Jamaica?
While in Jamaica last May, I really got to thinking about moving back for about half the year. I started doing my research on how I would go about making that move. I really did not have much tying me down so I was more than willing and able to get up and go if I wanted. I looked online for resources and watched some YouTube videos.. You know that’s how you learn to do things right?… Some of them were very helpful. However, all of my questions were not answered and I figured I would have to get those answers through experience. I took some time to write down my goals and what I thought would be the best route for me to get to them.
One of the main things I decided to do was to sell my 2020 GLE 350. I initially purchased the truck in 2020 because I figured in 2025 when I was ready to move to Jamaica I would ship it down and that would be my vehicle there. Well now that my dates were a bit more expedited I decided to look into selling it. I knew it would provided me with much needed capital, especially since I knew I was going to need to buy a vehicle for the US and one for Jamaica.
I returned to the US on the 21st of May and I sold my truck on May 25th. I wasted no time!!! I knew what I wanted and I went after it. My next thing was to work on securing a rental property. Lucky for me I had already been renting villas/homes in Jamaica. I wanted to get the feel of living in a house versus on a resort. This experience allowed me to meet homeowners who rent their properties on a short and long term basis.
By the beginning of July I had secured my rental property and booked my flight to Jamaica for the end of July. In between that time I had definitely prepared myself by shipping items that I thought I would need. I was on my way to living in two different countries.
Of course I will get into details on how it all came together but for now I will say it has been a very interesting journey. I have learned so many different things along the way. Some has been extremely frustrating, some has been hard lessons that cost me financially, and others have been sooooo rewarding.
I will be sure to share those experiences with you all. So that you may avoid some of the pitfalls that I had to experience. I will explain how it all came together, renting a house, shipping my items (and that one time when I accidentally shipped my passports to Jamaica), buying a car, getting my bank accounts back opened, getting my driver’s license and the list goes on and on.
I would be lying if I said I am not the happiest I have ever been in my entire life. The sense of peace that being in Jamaica and traveling brings me is priceless; It is not quantifiable; it is immeasurable.
If there is something you would like to know or for me to cover please message me and I will be sure to share.
Until next time….
J.E.T ❤️